Thursday, December 07, 2006

blow jobs, click here

i thought a brilliant idea for an organisation that i used to be a part of to gain web presence on campus would be for us to construct our own blog rather than a web page. it was easier to manage because none of us had or were majoring in anything to do with computers, the web or design and so a blog would be manageable...

we went with wordpress because they provided what was needed: multiple pages, tags, ease of use, but mostly because each portfolio could have its own page on the blog...
some may say this was out initial mistake, the choice of wordpress as opposed to whichever blogging engine you support... hell we were ignorant students, whatever.

the problem now is that as administrator of this site the moderation of comments has become necessary as we are continuously hit by wankers who think that they can use us to advertise their gear, toys, creams, fetishes and other fantasies by hitching rides through our web presence... we were holey opposed to moderation but our users have now been led down the grey path to believe we sensor and no longer promote freedom of speech. meanwhile we are deleting the ton of crap that gets delivered to our cyber door daily.

why, why the hell do these yobo's waste my time in admin of something that is totally unnecessary? i am not changing my mind any time soon, not taking off the moderation and not publishing any of their useless info!

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