Friday, January 05, 2007

please call

in the new age of technology getting an upgrade appears to be a big deal. there are a range of different manufacturers of the latest gidget that is the object of your desire and it takes a little more than picking it up, looking at it, deciding its pretty to make you want to go home with it.

mobiles are no longer the means to get in touch with, they are the tools to capture that drive by sniper, a way to mail that uber importante message to no-one about nothing, the way to re-live your memory of a vacation or moment in a few seconds play back and without the correct amount of pixels, memory, storage space, battery life or talk time these simple little conveniences will be lost.

after chasing after the slim and sleek that flicks and flacks a certain someone has decided that
black is the new black, sliding is better than flicking and the more pixels the closer you are at being the chosen one!

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