Monday, October 23, 2006

blogger, you tube, google, beta

what do they all have in common? they don’t work harmoniously together.... the monopoly is souring my milk and i am feeling a little windowsed. yes thats a word denoting when windows drives you to throw your pc from the highest platform in the hope that when it comes down to earth it will work perfectly...
i made the switch to beta... hesitated, hesitated, was lost.
i signed up to you tube.... fruitless.
everything wants your user name and password, i cant remember all the passwords and it annoys me that there is a little mechanical bug out there that links it all together and states your password is incorrect... why does it know that?
I got the right password and what’ll you know, apparently this little blogger is a beta user…sorry!
this used to work before you took over everything… now blogger-beta and you tube aren't speaking to each other... cant upload a video from the tube to the blog... thought they were all owned by the same 'genius'... great job!