there are some that are fantastic to go out with and then there are those 'others' who leave you wanting the coffee to come already so you can get the hell out of dodge... you go out and in the background lurks the other factor that splits you into separate groups, the inevitable, the bill. it is going to arrive and who gets it, how do you split it or which model calculator are you using.
somehow, no matter how efficiently you have calculated knowing that other meisers are going to screw the person who has been bringing all your liquid and solid requirements to your hearts desire out of a decent living, you are always short for anything remotely classified as descent. then it starts how much, which penny, did you include a tip, did you add the wine, i need 10 units change, what? what the hell can you buy with 10 smackers, a chappies? give it to the person who waited on you, it amounts to two car guard tips for fuck sake!
then there are those who are an absolute dream, never a problem always over compensating, the understanding split down the middle... i like them folk these are my people!
Labels: money, restaurants, tipping