Sunday, June 17, 2007

top 10?

i am losing faith in the masses ability to chose effective reading material. that, or the ability of those who compile the top 10 charts. me thinks that the way one gets to be a top 10 chart contender is ensuring enough mense out there take a little look see and try and get them to come back.

before i used to look at the chart and think oooh s/he's good or yeah i like reading that one on occasion but lately... rugby, afrikaans, fertility issues what the fuck how are these the top read pieces? the content needs to be interesting as well as the writing surely? do so many people care about anothers invetro experience or a person who cant play the sport professionally's tips on the next game?

i think it is a sad day in the world of top 10...

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dad's lil...

happy daddy's day!

personally i dont understand why dads get shafted on days like this? moms have oodles of attention from the respective chain stores and dad's? they get a little wallet and golf pack in box lying on some till counter. shameful really. they are out there 24/7 slogging away to bring in the dollars and ensure you can be wrapped in your bling and the inventive give a gift crew have devised a wallet and peg set - someone needs to be fired and a whole new 'devoted to the male species desires' needs to be hired!

i dont care for the anti-capitalism cries, the falling into the commercial trap crowd... if you want to suck in your whole of shameful behaviour so be it. i love gift giving days, there should be more of them. each and every day should be a give a gift of something yummy, delicious, useful, spoil yourself, indulge day. i may then be broke but we would all look better!

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art house

for this evenings entertainment we have death by brain tumor followed by near death by heroin overdose - happy days all around...

the astonishing thing about my morbid curiosity is that it is peaked by the macabre. put on the latest buster of pop and within minutes i am in dream land dreaming of nothing, no thoughts, just blackness.

so how do these pop out another episode of the same shite busters command such massive amounts of attention? why do the flocks run head first into the rocky cliffs below in a bid to increase some studios silk lined chino's?

down with the trilogy of the next comic, churned out without so much as an inkling of what the author of the text was attempting to comment on and onwards or perhaps backwards to the truth of a story, a glimpse of another world, a show of what should be told but has been left on the cutting floor as we march forward to an era of arts decay...

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Friday, June 15, 2007

check please

there are some that are fantastic to go out with and then there are those 'others' who leave you wanting the coffee to come already so you can get the hell out of dodge... you go out and in the background lurks the other factor that splits you into separate groups, the inevitable, the bill. it is going to arrive and who gets it, how do you split it or which model calculator are you using.

somehow, no matter how efficiently you have calculated knowing that other meisers are going to screw the person who has been bringing all your liquid and solid requirements to your hearts desire out of a decent living, you are always short for anything remotely classified as descent. then it starts how much, which penny, did you include a tip, did you add the wine, i need 10 units change, what? what the hell can you buy with 10 smackers, a chappies? give it to the person who waited on you, it amounts to two car guard tips for fuck sake!

then there are those who are an absolute dream, never a problem always over compensating, the understanding split down the middle... i like them folk these are my people!

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

door no. 3

there are 3 doors and behind 1 of them a million hard currency is placed. you are given the option of picking one of those doors in an attempt to grab the cash. u pick a door and then something changes, a shift in the game. the host decides that one of the doors will be eliminated and you have a choice. you can stick with the original door you chose or you can switch. do you switch?

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the warrant

we have sent the relevant notices and given options for a reasonable defence to be put forward. these were ignored and waved aside as irritating little swats. judgment was granted but not taken seriously. neither was the warrant of attachment of property. the usual dismissal to the sheriff with the nonchalant 'i dont have anything huh ahh what u gonna do about it...' so we sent another registered letter followed by a notice to appear at a financial inquiry. another smite in the face of justice, the thinking that 'i am bigger than all of your futile pieces of paper'. an attempt to avoid the impending with a courtesy phone call is deflected with a hurl of obsentities swiftly completed with a speak to my lawyer. now we sweep in with the issue of that warrant of arrest that i had granted during your defiance of authority...take that! angarde!

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

heathrow checkin

believe it or not i have been the target of those racist english bastards...
yes! the heathrow police subjected me not only too a search before passing through their precious gates but an xray too. i had to sit with other suspicious looking people off a plane from the south of africa carrying a green passport (mistake 1) and wait. i was searched and then taken to a smaller room in another terminal and got xrayed...
it was obviously because i looked like a suspicious caucasian catholic terrorist and possible supporter of the ira...
i empathise with ol rasool, poor bloke, just a case of that english racist treatment hidden under the guise of protective measures from another hapless bombing that side of the democratic line...

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a real clerk

the day came where i realised what all that studying was for, why i spent the years i did pouring over texts and theories and learning and philosophising and why i am now spending a further two years training...

those years of varsity have qualified me to make the 435 copies, cross check the index with addendum a, find the faults of another clerk in all probability, who couldn't be bothered to index file and paginate with attention to detail past page 337, thereby giving me the task of amending and annexing to the schedule, then counting the pages and billing of course before i delivered the bundle of what was once a beautiful tree to another to pour over before trial on monday....

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

financial enquiry anyone?

heres to hoping that i dont fall flat on my face, trip, stutter or call the magistrate anything other than your worship as i attempt to remember the entire contents or S65 A-J, the commentary thereon as well as rule45...

hopefully the debtor wont pitch and i can merrily submit my application for a postponement, have my warrant to arrest the sucker issued, then stayed and look forward to another day in court where i dont crap myself...

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4th episode season 6

what the fuck? i thought it was impossible to get better than the ctu nerve gas episode of season 5 but they went on and topped it. for most of this episode i sat in anticipation as yankee doodle had set my expectations to a higher than usual notch and i waited - finally the president and his peeps took to listening to the guy they were selling down the river in episode 1, finally jack seemed to be making head way in the whose who of wanting to annihilate the us and then, then they went and landed a wopper of a plot twist, the kind that made me sit higher and tenser and scream what the fuck? i sat there gapping, eyes wide, jack in tears and another 6 full days to pass until the next fix....

oh well hiro's journey back to tokyo better be 5 weeks prior to what he saw last week - hopefully this can take my mind off jack a bit - i think not but its nice to dream...

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

paper jets

awesome was what i thought the first times these guys enticed me to a performance with popcorn and candyfloss. the group has changed members slightly but are still consistently delivering that same feeling.... awesome.

there are some who try really hard, swagger a certain tune and run around screaming bootylicious, smack a ho and shake that ass. these artists are rewarded by millions and millions of adoring fans and tons of cash to boot.

what they lack and this strange industry is missing is a certain uniqueness that this band subscribes to. whether it be the energy of the flagpole hugging, garden gnome on speed, the intelligent lyrics or acustic brilliance that can only get better and better as they have proved from their first to second album, none of the idol worshiping booty shaking zillionaires will ever be able to rhyme flabbergasted into a cutting edge get u up and hopping snake charmer...

for more delights visit mabu vinyl on a sat while picking up your latest vinyl possession, stay for the second half on sunday at the intimate theatre and escape boring monday tv and go to dizzy's... those not lucky enough to get to any of theses get your fix here!

pic courtesy of curiouser

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an interesting spitting between bloggers is taking place on the cape town news blog...
jp and rc have been duking out some issues between oppressive malaysian attitudes towards a woman who wants to change her religion who is being prevented from doing so and the south african churches who refuse to marry gay people.
their arguments make for entertaining reading...

even more entertaining are the religious nutters who feel their rights have been seriously derogated due to legislation which has now removed a parents 'ability' to beat their kids...

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Friday, June 01, 2007


i love my map, new little dots sprouting up like little hot cakes, beacons of life in my little planet of blog....
hellllloooooo to the little injin, shalom, g'day mate.... those in europe, china, s america, north of that border and the alascan - hi there!
dont feel neglected if u haven't got a hi page back and u'll see u weren't missed...
