Thursday, November 30, 2006

to smoke or not to smoke

thinking at the beginning of the year that i was not going to spend it labouring through boring legal text after another, focusing on 'pertinent' legal issues involving corporate saga's i embarked on a slightly less travelled road in academia...
my essay topic was not hastily picked up by the faculty, no-one wanted to supervise me independently and i had to figure out how to refocus the essay so that i could continue with what i had pursued...
by the middle of this year i wished i had chosen to investigate the enlightened shareholder, the in's or out's of the prescription act, why we recognise certain forms of intellectual property, etc and was tired of the bizarre looks or smirks when i mentioned my topic, in fact i am still hesitant to name the topic in light of big brother...
i may even have posted earlier in the year the hell i was experiencing in redrafting and narrowing the focus and the plethora of foreign parliamentarian debate i laboured through.... but today i got the shock of my life... my paper is the highest mark i have received for this degree, i leaped over the hurdle of attaining a first and skipped right on into the ‘i scored an upper first’ category and still cant get over the fact that the goofball topic paid off, researching something light and entertaining yet mildly topical to most alternative thinkers scored a top mark....

so sorry...

these two little words...
i read a whole 'pertinent to this post' blurb on sorry but have misplaced it in the haze of reality that is hitting home right now... when and if found i will add it on...
i found myself in the irony of having to mutter these words almost mechanically tonight. what i had read was that people die and the first thing uttered is 'i'm sorry, so sorry, etc', with the reality being always the emphasis on the negative and how we should celebrate rather than mourn...
but tonight a friend says 'things are a little hectic my uncle was murdered...' and immediately i respond with 'shit i am sorry'.
it seemed so natural and after i sat back thinking what else could be said? i don’t know the person and it feels so unnatural to say well he had a good life, look on the bright side he's in a better place (if this fits with your belief system), celebrate his life don’t focus on the negative...
none of that seems to concretise the emotion of the situation. maybe the reason why a person apologises is not because of the situation but because of the fact that another feels an emptiness left by the absence of another’s presence that cant be ignored.
i don’t think it is a focus on the negative or a pessimism that leads us down the 'so sorry' road, i think it is rather that one is truly sorry another has to experience that emotion and how obvious it is that we have to experience it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

spinning fire

it is getting warm again, the globe seems to be returning to its normal expected weather patterns and this means that a certain someone will be heading to the beach most monday nights to go play with two little sticks that get set alight and twirled...
it seems to be a favourite past time no matter where in the world we are, these sticks have seen their shores or the inside of some abandoned lot...
it is quite entertaining to watch, some r skilled others merely trying. the problem is that where a certain someone now goes is quite a competitive circuit, not much encouragement towards those that cant and little possibility for those that don't fit the tight black bikini top form to get help from anyone else...
sad really that what is seen as a communal type of gathering elsewhere in the world is such a stinking competition in these here parts...
then there is the drumming saga, the neighbors complaining, the limited access to what is public property by municipal by-laws, illegal drinking in public areas...
anyhow hope this year everyone can get along and enjoy their activities peacefully...

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Monday, November 27, 2006


there r few things more frustrating than waiting for your page to load. you know the info that you require is merely a few bars away but yet until the little critters that work in moving the bar across the screen have finished their task you will have to wait.
i used to be subject to the torment of a modem which was similar to wilfully shoving hot pokers up your arse as it kicked you off the net at will and you had to wait to be reconnected.
now with all the wireless, broadband, adsl, any other acronym, you don’t expect to have to wait and if you do it is like the minutes merge into hours even if it was only 34 seconds that you paused in your maize of cliks...
i am waiting for the university server to kick itself into gear so that i can check a provisional result for one of my courses. i am being so patient, even waiting for the little green bars to be full before making my next click so as not to frustrate it or make it aware of my necessity for it to hasten. i suspect that the reason behind its tardiness is that the result should not be there in the first place, but through an administrative error it is. so the race is on, will my page upload before the administrator cottons on and removes it, keeping me in suspense until later in december...
ohhhh it just may be working, distracting myself from the pace of the bars with this blog has allowed me to progress to click 5 in the chain of clicks and soon if the window to the left of this is hinting correctly and all the bars continue to load i may have success... shit its reloading itself, must have picked up on my eagerness...

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

click click

i have very extreme mixed emotions about humanitarian aid serviced by the ideology that a click of a finger and the worlds woes will vanish...
i want people to get involved and work towards a solution but at the same time i sit back and snear with a churning feeling that somehow the reality of the plight that is the continent is lost on hollywood, celebrity and those who should have more sense...
this is where the dualism begins. i want them to realise what the fuck is actually happening outside of their gazillion star lifestyle but when this happens i actually want the reality of the situation to set in...

for a while now i have heard that the click of the finger is going to sort out world hunger, death from disease etc yet still the brevity of the situation escapes them...
clicking your fingers is not decreasing the amount of sqautter camps that line the highways, decreasing the death toll, nor putting food or books in front of her children. not that i want anyone not to help, everyone needs to get involved but then do that... africa needs skills development, ideas, creativity, an opening into the free market without all the strings attached, people to build her infrastructure both physically and intellectually...

if you continue to treat africa as the starving cousin, riddled with disease, unable to fend for herself well, the indoctrination is believed and perpetuated. africa doesnt need handouts... given it is perceived that all it takes is some cash which you throw at the problem and away it goes but out in the undeveloped world they need hard work and skills together with the bling to get things working. this will take just slightly more than hollywood simultaneously with the rest of the world clicking their proverbial finger...

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

which one r u?

would u rather watch sport on tv, watch sport live, play sport or tune in to something else?

i posted my last post and sat down... on offer was very big guys with little on slamming into each other, big guys with a little more on running a little more slamming into each other and the usual suspects, other saturday sports...
well i am not about to run out back, erect the ladder and attempt to throw myself into the aluminum tables that i secretly keep 4 my wwe/f/whatever moments, so they can rest assured i am not one of the sad folk that thought of trying any of that at home...
neither do i feel the urge to jump upside down in disappointment or screams of elation as the other big guys run a ball over a line or over a pole...
so i think i may be the play or tuning type...

where lies the attraction at these events? how did i skip the 'gimme more of this crap' gene at the check out counter? i am not opposed to sport in general... i have no problem with the winter olympics, nothing wrong with the xgames, don't mind figure skating, will watch gymnastics, hell i may even sit through high board diving, karate, show jumping or maybe, just maybe dancing of some kind. somehow add a ball to the activity, i am in dire need of an anti-boredom box...
golf, unless tiger is hitting into the trees, bush, rough, anywhere he shouldn't make his next green shot off; rugby, regardless of who is playing; cricket, again any team; boxing, even if a mans ear gets bitten off; wrestling, contrary to the huge followings belief, that is all made up pretend bunch of nobodies fueled by steroids who will become fat; summer olymipcs, i am never excited, this one runs faster than that one for longer, they swim in a pool quickly, he jumped higher or longer, yeah some diving, but only for a short bit cos there is more exciting running...

none of this floats my boat, i don't see the point, mostly it is borderline pulse kind of stuff... get out, give up, who cares kind of stuff... people u r waisting a lot of time making others very rich, praising them for little that would be more fun even if u did it yourself, badly... i hear they even pay the referees top dollar... where is the justice?

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why the hell don't the visitors comment? i told a certain someone that i would not sink to this level but dammit u have made it hard...
which is better fat or thin?
which do u prefer flickr or zoomr?
is anyone with a pulse out there?

zoomr vs flickr

having used neither and noticing that most r using the later i have decided to investigate what this is all about...
help me buy a laptop alerted me to zoomr as they, unlike flickr, helped to give her a little piece of the pie needed to make her much needed purchase, i followed the link - the add gimmick worked tho it really is nothing more than high tech begging...
do people know about zoomr, do they choose to use flickr or is it a case of flickr being the one that x uses and so all others follow...

flickr only has 6 feature pages while zoomr has 8 so the latter starts out in front already...

both allow u to share your images with the world in the quest for some kind of recognition....
1 point zoomr, 1 point flickr
both allow for comments, resizing, click of the mouse stuff but zoomr lets u add a map to your photo...
another point zoomr, flickr trailing

now it gets little interesting... zoomr allows u to add sound to the photo, while flickr's next feature is the share with family and friends option...
another point for zoomr with flickr falling behind but gaining a sympathy point...
both have a pseudo organizer functions but again i think that zoomr may be on too a little more sophisticated filling... while flickr allows for the album feature etc, zoomr allows u to name each person in the photo which means when searching for all the shots of a certain someone, simply enter that name and presto up come the shots....
sorry flickr but zoomr gets another point...
the competition then comes to a little unfair halt as all that flickr has to offer is that they have the rss feed functions, mobile loading, easy uploads blah blah and a few other gizmo's with zoomr inviting u to have a look at more features...
that'll be zoomr scoring another point

zoomr's extras r something called lightbox and streamer and when someone works out what the fuck let me know but what the hell points for effort
wait a second, zoomr can make the photos talk to u in any of 15 languages and they aren't done yet...
they also finish with 'if that wasn't enough'... blah rss, blah mobile phone, blah blah blah everything flickr has and more...

tally the score, i make it a 1 + sympathy point for flickr and a whole heap more for zoomr
so the question begs for comment, why does everyone seem to lie down with flickr?

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Friday, November 24, 2006

kramer appologises on letterman

'he is not a racist' this said from the man who fired out the words '40 years ago we woulda had u strung upside down and stuck a fork up your ass'... well non racists don't think in fork terms yobo...
even having 'jerry' hold your hand letting the audience know that this ain't funny isn't going to change the fact that this little unfunny man is sad.
he certainly isn't the person to be talking about how and why we have conflict in the world... he lives in hollywood california, not the sticks and there seems to be little reason for him to be threatened by those of another colour...
i am sure as hell that he is sorry that this happened but what strikes me in the apology is that he is sorry this happened on the public stage because it seems that these statements surely come from someone who has harbored racist sentiments for some time...
well the truth is out... deal with who u are!

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wow this is outta control 'anger' gives new meaning to hate speech...
those sensitive folk out there who cant handle the real world should probably not click on the friendly little arrow...

pretty pictures

these are some of the cutest little pics i have seen...


ban these please

i propose a ban on tampon and erectile disfunction ads. these both grate me to now end of discomfort when slipped in nonchalantly during the viewing schedule. it forces me to channel hop, owing to the attention span i inevitably lose sight of what i was interested in and then when the show is over i stumble back and realise what it was that i was doing to begin with. then comes the horrible flash back of how i got into the position in the first place.
we are all clear on the former, they are a necessity to a certain sex and no amount of advertising is going to change what she usually picks up from the store counter.
with regards to the latter if this is a problem there are a heap of qualified people that will come to your aid and no little magic pill is going to perform the service that these practitioners can.
may we then, as we have done with smoking, ban these adds and move forward into entertainment happiness....


jumpin on the kazachi wagon

is borat funny or is he a sad git? should poking fun at little middle americans who only have their news stations biased perspective to keep them enlightened be allowed? just as we shouldn't go into the heart of darkness and poke fun at the size of their nose rings should we be allowed to go into the heart of texas and poke fun at their love for cowboys and ignorance... has borat in his quest for americanisms ripped off the nations ugly plaster and uncovered what lies beneath the home of the brave.... it looks a little septic in there...

another mel moment

so as if in disbelief i have checked this out...
there is more than 1 racist biggot in hollywood or the entertainment industry. this has come as a shock to most who believe these perfect beings are infallible, love everyone and everything and should be held up on pedastills where the air is too expensive for normal folk to breathe...
u may remember the weird haired guy on seinfeld with little to no sense of style... well on seinfeld he was sorta funny with a crew to write his lines for him. apparently from the crowd at his comic gig he aint so funny no more. so the usual need for jeering and heckling ensued from the crowd and he decided that the ethnic origin of the heckler was of the utmost importance and what followed was a mel gibson moment. u see it is the africans to blame for his lack of funny rather than his inability to be funny... racist slurs are not funny... they don't make anyone except ignorant folk laugh..
this guy has clearly not seen borat...

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the sky is falling

yes i did feel a little chicken little this morning...
i am going to make myself a cup of hot chocolate... usually this would be followed by hmmm yumm but it is towards the end of november and only nutty people in this time zone should be drinking hot coco to keep themselves warm.. what the fuck is happening to my weather?
i looked outta the window this morning in disbelief as i heard cars swooshing past on the rain soaked streets. i then went outside cos i couldn't understand this weird phenomena in november only to feel as if i had walked into a humidity pit. i checked the mountain... yip still there so no i have not moved.... so why the freak pattern of water molecules? were they lost on the way to the north did the humidity forget it should go east rather than west... it is now cold and wet...
i want answers dammit!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

they r on to something

the little guys who find time amusing themselves with test tubes, atoms and molecules may be on to something...
i woke up this morning: beautiful, bright, blue sky and thunder. it is november. it is not thunder season.
went for a walk into town to try and get a kettle to replace the one that blew up trying to make the morning cupa and it was sweltering. november heat wave, this is sort of expected.
once back from town a torrential downpour whilst the blistering heat persisted...
if i lived in bangkok then maybe this would be ok but my climate zone is far more desert... something is up!

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google blogger spelling

it is nice that finally the import of spell check has arrived in the bloggin world. no longer need i cut and past to check was is my disastrous attempt at spelling a word. but why the Americanisms? can we move along, please and at least have the option to spell words that i am sure use an 's' without the 'z'. i want the 'u' in colour.
i don't thinks this is asking to much, lets get it together folks.... options please!

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free maps

what lies near the end of the right column is a tearful memory of the remain of my pseudo sci-fi map. through the alluring baiting of free maps once upon a time i could scan the earth for the locations of visitors who had passed by. in addition their little flags would pop up and i would giggle every time a new one was added to the list. the link to splendid mapping was short lived as the little techno geeks need to make a living and now all that remains is the skeletal remains of what once was....
good thing i never gave up on clustermaps... hooray for the cluster

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

motherless intoxication

this doesn't happen often, not even seldom but when it does the expression legless really bares meaning in my world.
i have finished my exams, they are over and so is everyone else's. in honor of this momentous occasion we set ourselves loose on the town that we have called home for the time at university. even those who don't write exams but participate in the 'u will do fine, hang in there, we r so proud of you' lark were there to throw shots down their throats in honor of us fleeing from the books into a wide open space.
we started at a bar throwing caution to the wind as tequila and jagermeister were consumed by the plenty. now being that i am normally partial to appletizer than shooters i am a cheap drunk. somehow last night i managed to make it out of that bar alive and run off into another. this all sounded like a perfectly plausible, even commendable plan at the time. problem was the next bar felt they were infinitely superior to others and hence a considerable door charge was in order. not only were u to pay to enter their ridiculous excuse for an establishment but u could only wear certain items of clothing with other items being discriminated against. yip, the no sneaker rule. idiots, do u even know how trendy these trainers are or how much more they were than the pathetic attempt at shoe apparel on most of your patrons feet?
once inside the shock set in. without the insanely breathtaking 360 degree view of the city at night this place is kak! the people were mostly old, unattractive and borderline acceptable bodies. in fact most that i had to brush past to get to the other side of the jirating anything 90's dance floor u could bounce off... this is unacceptable. if u r going to charge to get into a place. i expect hotties, tight firm buns and more than a view of a city...
the bar is however well stocked so taking full advantage of this, fueling my excitement of finishing the hardest exams i have ever endured with jager-bombs, i left when the lights came on. this is a stupid technique cos everyone just looked even worse than in my initial evaluation...

today i realized why i don't drink and if i do it is accompanied by large quantities of water... my head, my eyes, my stomach... maybe should have studied medicine...

Friday, November 03, 2006

12 hours

it is officially here, this is what the end of my life looks like and it ain't a bed of roses... it is more like a mound of incomprehensible paper that is stacking up, growing and relentless. the word summarise springs to mind, out comes the pen, some notes are jotted and what do you get? more paper! add to the mix the portable pc and down i sink...
the clock is ticking and still there is no light, the heart is racing, which could be the pseudo-ephedrine and in 12 hours i will be 13 minutes into my reading time with two minutes left before the race starts. i need to get more ink because the 10 cartridges a certain someone picked me up from the store seem to have drowned like their owner...

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