Monday, October 23, 2006

blogger, you tube, google, beta

what do they all have in common? they don’t work harmoniously together.... the monopoly is souring my milk and i am feeling a little windowsed. yes thats a word denoting when windows drives you to throw your pc from the highest platform in the hope that when it comes down to earth it will work perfectly...
i made the switch to beta... hesitated, hesitated, was lost.
i signed up to you tube.... fruitless.
everything wants your user name and password, i cant remember all the passwords and it annoys me that there is a little mechanical bug out there that links it all together and states your password is incorrect... why does it know that?
I got the right password and what’ll you know, apparently this little blogger is a beta user…sorry!
this used to work before you took over everything… now blogger-beta and you tube aren't speaking to each other... cant upload a video from the tube to the blog... thought they were all owned by the same 'genius'... great job!

mother madonna madness

in keeping with 'current affairs' i have latched onto the madonna bandwagon...
i am still clueless as to what the fuss is about. madge is wealthy, one of the worlds richest who can buy whatever she wants. she wants an african kid. she built an orphanage fit with kabbalah centre. presto her reward should be what she african kid!

brangelina have built up a mini united nations - no qualms from the peasant folk... why pick on madonna? well kudos really goes to ms jolie who has shopped around the globe looking for a fledgling from every continent, very global the family that has been created and why not?

surely if we all got in the spirit of things maybe there would be less in fighting, after all would you pick on your brother or sisters mother country? perhaps if mr 'i feel like flexing my nuclear muscle' had a mother who was from south korea he may think hang on, i should try chatting and maybe democracy as it has done heaps for moms homeland? if brigadier bush had a brother from beiruit maybe he would have more insight into creative solutions rather than hard line bombing? maybe if we started seeing that we are all part of the global village and started actively participating we could build a better place, learning from what each culture has to offer rather then crushing them with our own opinion...

well done madonna, adopt another starving child, take it to a better place, treat it like royalty, fill its belly with deliciousness, dress it in prada and send it to eaton. almost guaranteed he isn't likely to forget he hails from malawi cos the news casters will remind him every second and maybe, just maybe he will return to see what his new mother built in his homeland and continue himself to build and give others who live the life he may have, a little slice of what he has....
that doesn't seem too bad.
even if he grows up to be a self absorbed git, at least he isn't dying in a hole starving...

priorities people, priorities...

finding the blog

for those from distant lands, i am curious - how are you finding this blog? are you a blog cruiser? how do you determine whether you will visit a site or not? is it dependent on the blogs name or the title of the posts? what keeps you comming back?
comments please....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

can anonymity prevail?

i have commented on a site and have cursed myself with my opinion...
the site it seems may become known to others who have the potential to know me. i have attempted anonymity by providing myself with pseudonyms, however some of these are known to others. although i use one for the post, one for the blog and another for the email etc (i do the same with my passwords which gets me in a knot but that is for another post) it seems i have foiled me self.

this blog is under pseudo 1, i commented under pseudo 2 blogger cleverly linked me and presto click on the pseudo 2 on the comment and u r brought here.... shit! now any clueso could get 2 out of 1 + 1 hence pseudo 1= pseudo 2!

breathe there is nothing offensive here just the rantings of a loon.... that was an anonymous loon till 7 seconds ago... should have clicked anonymous...

fix it, how does one fix it, fix it, help!!!

nsip nsap

the title is in code (not a complex code)

so u go along to the snipper and u say what?
u cant with any integrity say 'give me a depp' all though i hear in the 80's lots of people asked for a macgyver?
u cant look through a magazine and say 'give me that' cos the image has had the luxury of stylists, products and 3 hours of prep...
u cant say 'short back and sides' cos u leave looking like your mom had something to do with that
u cant leave it to the capabilities of scissorhands cos you dont want to look like a fashion victim akin to the bushes of burtonville

you want the condition of your mop to improve, you want to look like it was effortless and you dont want to have to preen yourself (much to the disbelief of the man with the cutting implements) for hours when you get out of bed.

i dont know why but try as i may i cant walk outta the place looking like a gq model, yet they call themselves experts at their trade? if i drafted papers that resembled less than what was asked for i dont think i would be allowed to brandish my pen and paper ad infinitum and still charge…so how can they?

positivism poses poignant problems...

can anyone help? positivism is driving me around the study loop as if i am trapped on a malicious race track eternally hell bent in confusion... it is legal postivism that i am ranting on so no glass half full blurb please...

what distinguishes raz from kelson besides the sources thesis versus the grundnorm, why is it the opinion of many that hart (well this is really his own opinion) improved on austins theory of sovereignty and why is it that none of this knowledge is going to enable me to answer whether wicked legal systems provide a case against legal positivism? this ought to be easier therfore it is..... rubbish!

Thus far I conclude that the poignant problem that positivism poses is its preventative measures to prohibit me being passed….

Saturday, October 21, 2006

full steam ahead

lunch with the dean was interesting... it was more snacks of little things that mostly contained the remains of what was once an animal, hence i resorted to the freshly squeezed juices on offer. there were many a contributing folk around and one individual who has somehow managed to steel my thunder all year round, crawl up an arse and muster an invite... yeah it is all about who u know...

with lunch over, the final day of term officially over, what remains of my life is also officially over. i have spent almost every waking minute in the library trying to assimilate what i thought was knowledge and keep hitting blanks.

the beautiful time table that a certain someone drew up for me has subsequently been ruined due to my incompetence. i forgot to add my first subject to be examined into the schedule before handing it over for tabulating my study hours and hence i am now short 3 slots for 1 of my subjects. some shuffling ad nauseum got me the day to write the exam (a necessary), a swop with this subject for that but left with no solution as to how to slot in these3 left out sessions. lets hope i don’t need them...

the bell rang 5 hours earlier than i anticipated in the library. it appears they will be operating on a different calendar to us. while our exam study week has begun, because the prelims are still in lectures they have chosen to follow the prelim schedule and will only switch over to the study week schedule 3 days before the final years start writing their exams. no amount of indications of rules and schedules and amendments could persuade this sadistic bitch to come around and keep the learning space that enables access to the course material that aren't accessible off campus open during the times that they are expected to keep during study week. This means that 5pm during the week it will shut, it will only open at 10am on a Saturday and Sundays they will be closed she smiled sweetly. karma wench is waiting for you!

so i am entering the zone, snapping left right and centre and making everyone around me a little less comfortable as i attempt to combat the nose dive that my tail spin has left me in...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

map madness

i get really excited every time i discover a new thing... now while i have yet to succeed in obtaining my sexy french map i have discovered one that looks like something jack bauer would be accustomed to. the other map displays all these little dots that come from somewhere in the usa so i have decided to test it... where are these dots from? the new map, if it works will show me the locations of the dots specifically the state, for free, i couldn't resist.
the old one remains until i can be certain the new one is reliable

am i losing the plot?

thanks to curioser for the link...

has the world gone crazy? finally some white house hero has realised that there is space out there to control and he is going to do just that... what is this? absurd? are we really at the final frontier?
looking out for the nations interests president bush is going ahead to make sure his little slice of the space pie is protected.
if u make statements such as the 'document does not call for the development of weapons for space' you sure as hell have been contemplating this and know this is implied when u start making statements 'for the protection of your interests'.

perhaps this little investigator is a tad naive to the issue so feel free to enlighten me, i got a bit board of the article and started skimming as one does with journo articles in the news, try as i may they normally don’t grip me...

but wow this is the stuff that westerns are made of!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

a new toy

i went around to my house this evening, something i have taken to doing since squatting at a certain someone's place... upon arriving home i thought my dad may just have lost the plot.

dad: u have mail
me: i saw that, think it is bank crap
dad: no u have mail
me: (going through the mail) yes here it is, bank crap, merely telling me how much poorer i am…
dad: (snatching mail throws letter onto floor) hmmm
clearly dad has some issues that i am going to let slide and continue to remain focused on my tea making, yes the kettle is very warm, nice day, ignore the plot losing...
dad: what was in your mail?
me: have u gone mad, bank crap, me, poor, u throw letter?
dad: hmmm shouldn’t u open it?
me: fine i will satisfy your morbid curiosity in what the bank has to tell me and pick my post up off the floor behind the breakfast counter....

he he he what do you know, the letter sits on top of a box, a brown box, a rather large firm box, oooo with the letters of branding on the outside....
a laptop, dad finally came around and realised that i wasn't making the crap up about my computer crashing and no longer working hence the squatting at a certain someone. I now have my own portable toy that is being used to let the world know that i can shout out when ever i feel the urge.... no more library queues, no bugging a certain someone, no more shit i cant access my files the sky is falling.... good dad!

lets do lunch

i think most people go yippee free lunch, i tend to go why? what u want? why?
so today i have to go for lunch with the dean, which i could skip and say sorry but some book grabbed me in the library and it wasn't possible to free myself, or i could bite down real hard on my tongue and go sit quietly with the rest of the faculties contributing buddies and leave promptly using the excuse of a root canal treatment, or i could stay home go back to bed and pretend it was another day....

i am not good at schmoozing, i don’t like self gratification or slaps on the back, being in this situation is very foreign. i have managed to pass through the halls of school without pissing many off, getting ok grades and making my contribution to society. why now in my 11th hour is the dean so keen to say good-bye?

more on this later i feel sick, my stomach hurts and the tension of polite conversation makes the torture in ‘hostel’ seem reasonable…

power corrupts absolutely

i am not sure why but give a man a hand and he wants your whole body. oops sorry guys this goes for woman as well. why… when the meekest little angels get into a position of power why do they become demons of satan? the position isn't even one of real power it is quasi-student governance... little brown nose’s campaign and campaign getting u to believe in them and their capabilities even though in the back of your head there is always the doubt that this is merely for cv fluffing and then they go and prove you correct.
arrogant chops!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A tear

Today was very sweet. Two little troopers had spent some time running round the uni gathering photographic evidence of the fact that we were there. They put all these photos together into a power point presentation, included some of our dance photos, shots of the lecturers, the dean, the coffee machine, the very efficient ladies at the cafeteria, the all important cleaning people that make the whole place sparkly and the librarians, Leslie, Phindi and the instrumentals that make sure we have course materials, things to read and someone to moan to about how inefficient most people are...

This is it, we are in the final stretch, the last official lecture takes place tomorrow (for those who don’t have optional’s on thursday or friday) and until the start of the exams we will not see each other as a class again. The final year of class of 2006 has been real!

Monday, October 16, 2006

a true story

South Africa has been given a seat on the Security Council. This is no mean feat for an African country. President Mbeki's mad campaigning and Ex-Secretary-General Kofie Annan have ensured that the next time the mighty titan's get together to decide how much more debt they can throw Africa into, at least one representative from the continent can have a little say so. Of course they were not given any veto power so it is a little like not taking your Viagra but at least you can feel the need to engage if you want to...

It is official, today the General Assembly of the United Nations gave Belgium, Italy, Indonesia and South Africa non-permanent seats for 2 year terms starting on the 1 January 2007. Somehow this aint big news for the regular networks and try as I may no one cared enough even to put this little tit bit of news in the deepest corner of the Africa section of their sites... tsk tsk this is news people you cant chose it you are supposed to report it...


bonjour comment allez vous?

waar abouts in Nederland zijn u?

hellloooo over there in the usa.

to add to my map obsession i have added babel fish to this blog so that visitors with different flags interact in their own languages... i wanted more flags but... the option to have more languages was inviting, it allows you to 'want this one' but then fails to comply with your demand! so for now russian, thai, zulu or any other beautiful language out there is not represented...

i want to broaden my language skills so all those who speak anything other than generic english please comment in the tongue of your choice....

hopefully this translator is slightly more reliable than one i used recently. i ended up telling my russian pushkin that her shoulder was being touched by a stranger rather than strangers couldn't look over her shoulder and read nor understand us as we were chatting in russian...

update: how do you say 'hey there' in swedish?


In a Past Life...

You Were: A Banished Astrologer.

Where You Lived: Russia.

How You Died: Hung for treason.

we'll see...

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.

For you, falling in love is all about flirting and feeling playful. You couldn't fall in love with someone who took life too seriously.

this is interesting i may post more of these, they certainly are entertaining if nothing else....
warm hearted? objective eyes? great success and accomplishments, this is where they pull u in, yes i want to hear more....
tell the truth to those who dont want to hear it... that is about accurate

hmmm i have very big nostrils... wonder if that had something to do with where i would like to sit in a rooms answer?

Sunday, October 15, 2006


someone decides to be 'nice' and buy u lunch because u have been sitting all day slogging through rules and regulations that govern our every move. the 'sweetpea' decides out of all the choices available to u at the local deli or super that u deserve a slimmer’s choice item...

do u a) accept it graciously u r starving and who cares that this packaging should attract fat people; b) ponder quietly on whether there is a message behind their generosity and if sitting at a desk all day long is having the expanding effect; c) throw the contents back in there face and tell them to go on a fucking diet; d) say nothing smile sweetly and say 'i am not hungry'?

very few sleeps

I am back in the swing of tabulating days, hours, minutes till my nerves finally snap. This is a necessary as I must be standing in front to be capped at the end of this year, no more time for deferred or supplementary exams.

I am heading towards the dreaded study week where I must congest all I have assimilated this year and spew it out in consecutive 3 hour exams. Varsity has officially lost the plot and flown right off the handle bar. It is no longer an institution of learning cos if it was they would give u time to do just that. Policy now dictates that our exams are over with as quickly as humanly (that is if u were fitted with the latest that tech chips have to offer) possible which implies that if it is necessary in the schedule to have 3 exams in a day then so be it. Varsity is now officially a place of academia where the time spent efficiently is that of the lecturers spawning random thoughts on the is and ought of this and thus.

Ihave been drudging the trenches that are my notes and placing facts into more coherent thoughts and trying as I must to condense, condense, condense. it is so hard, it is all important but I must break it down...

So back I go to the law of evidence to learn more about how we don’t think the finding of that court is really important enough to be considered by this court, but that is merely an aside of what has been confusing me for the last 2 days. I will get back to this once I have consulted the professor and found out how our system adheres to such lunacy...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

u decide

thanks to hot air without whom i would not have found these images...

so my debate can get underway now that we have a comparison between what the world has and what the world may think it wants.

it is only through sacrifice and sheer determination that a person can get their weight under this kind of control.

i am not indorsing anorexia or bulimia, but try for a minute not to act on your hunger craving, try to resist the temptation of what everyone says is the best cheese cake you will ever have, try to go an entire week on water and cigarettes or if smoking aint your thing cos u'r a health nut just water...

it is not easy, this person has a choice, she is not starving in the middle of forgotten lands, she is trying to make a living as a human coat hanger. she will spend days trawling past other small framed people trying to get work. the same way as other people compete for jobs based on brain power she needs rib power...

the point of advertising is to be able to look at something we don’t have and say 'shit that’s hot i want it!' now, if choosing between the white dress or the black lingerie (scroll down), which would u chose?

shared assignments

Sharing: something the general community believe to be an integral learning curve. A little activity to ensure that we have got to grips with these kinds of concepts is giving students shared assignments, one topic, 5 people and go.
So dutifully you attempt to split up a task so that the work is evenly spaced out between the 5 of you, a schedule is drawn up so that we can ensure the research and drafts are completed within adequate time to rework problem areas and a final drawing together of materials needs its own time so that the hand in will be successful.

Most people seem to have difficulty with step 1.
You were given a section of work to cover what the fuck were you doing dilly dallying in other spheres of the debate? Having successfully screwed up step 1 it is only logical that your incompetence screws up the proceeding steps...

I watched this drama being played out, having a friend (we'll call her S) that seems to see it as being incumbent upon herself to fix the inadequacies of human kind, I had to further witness the general disregard for her work ethic, the self-serving attitudes of the malevolent followed by ridiculous amounts of slaps she received in the face.
Who was drafting the heads of argument? She was. Who was compiling the entire script so that it formed a seamless and coherent argument? She was. Who had to accommodate the general inability of colleagues to produce work that vaguely resembled a thought process? She did. Who had to formulate how the argument would be divided so that an equal amount of time could be devoted between each candidate when delivering argument? She did. The mark for the heads will be solely due to her own determination to not have her ethics corrupted by slackers.

Today S gets told by one of the imprudent that she hadn't bothered to deliver herself at varsity or check her emails in the week and has prepared an entirely different area so everything should be reworked to accommodate her. Dreadlock decides that he will merely snatch some of the S's work and use it for himself and all this while S should deal with it and modify everything she has done cos she is the only one who knows what the fuck is going on...Furthermore S is alerted to the fact that Dreadlock and Imprudent are really in a different field of focus so it really should be S that sorts out the issues at hand.

Well S actually has a degree in their fields which she completed cum laude, plus she is about to get her second degree with a first pass in the field in which they were all expected to engage themselves, so your area of expertise really has nothing to do with the fact you cant string words together in a more sophisticated manner other than insult the person who has afforded you the pass!

What have we learnt? That the mark I get is for everyone elses work that I have done, don’t rely on anyone and group work means that you will have to do all the work if you are not willing to accept others sub-standard results.

plus size

Is this taking the debate a little too far.
Was this really the point when the fashion show guru's decided that we the world should no longer witness the sheer determination of skinny models any longer.
Well Jean Paul Gaultier has made the ultimate statement by sending someone who makes the enterance of Sophia Dahl onto the fashion scene look like a pin drop in the sea of weight issues.
Once i can get my little mouse onto an image of the waif that started this attack on anorexia, bulemia and generous helpings of crack we can put this to a vote. It is after all the public that have to buy this garb and we should choose how we view it to buy it...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


My little map at the bottom of this blog is very sophisticated, well for me that is, who is more used to reading those old fashioned paper ones that show you where the road you are looking for is, if you can work out the grid system and have strong enough eyes to make out the fine print. A pocket size A-Z used to drive me mad but it was something i couldn’t do without for a long time. Well now i can see you over there from San Francisco and you in New York or is that New Jersey? Am i right have i got your longitude or am i way off. This is heaps of fun, where in the world?

The Rapture Index

After being alerted to the dire situation that our world is faced with i decided to take a closer look at the index, this is what i found. The possibility of the EU reforming into a smaller group of core nations updated the category of beast governments to a 3; the prophecies of ezekile 38 & 39 are becoming more clearer or possibly closer to being fulfilled with recent events in the middle east, hence the category of gog stands at 5; general aniti-Semitism, middle east strife and the failed peace process has sent the index into a tail spin, not to mention the drought, earthquakes, wild weather and famine that are reminiscent of the end of days...
There u have it, the 'prophetic speedometer of end of days activity' has spoken, world news agencies are alarmed and some say it is time to make right... some however have failed to see that in the past this meter sat around 177, so again i ask what the hell is the worry at 154, how is this figure arbitrarily terrifying?


well, cnn and other news agencies have their finger on the pulse...
reports just in that the rapture index is sitting at 154. the rapture index is where? how high? oh my god the end of the world must be nigh... 154, what the hell does that mean? were we ok when it was 145 but hell is a comming now that it has peaked to 154? will it get worse, is this actually an arbitrary number to which no one has really assigned much thought? in the greater scheme of things what is the exact figure that denotes get your shit together the four horseman have mounted and are riding around central park?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

tech geek

i have taken to becoming a html geek... ok a slight lie, as i am more of the cut and paste geek but i am finding myself flying around the super ways and boldly going where this little virgin has never gone before. i have successfully managed to load up an expansive map which i think is brilliant and can now see where in the world anyone is. i found another map that i preferred only because the entire website was in french and once i have figured out: Créez les deux tables mysql avec php_my_admin. Copiez le script de création qui se trouve dans le fichier 'lisez_moi.txt' puis collez le dans la fenêtre SQL de php_my_admin-->executer i will replace the cute little map in the side bar with this sexy french one...

Monday, October 02, 2006

a slow fast

while it seems like an oxymoron it is perfectly true. never before, well besides around this time the years before... has 25 hours seemed so long. usually the day flips by in a hazy blur testing u to remember what happened, but not today! tick tock goes the lonely clock on the kitchen wall. ok it was madness being in the kitchen to begin with don’t know what i was thinking, some sort of self mutilation or morbid self pity. it has thus far been roughly eight hours since anything went passed these pretty little lips but who's counting.... i am really only thirsty well parched is more apt but the food thing doesn't seem to be bothering anyone except my stomach, which has taken to ad libbing show tunes... quite skilled my tummy. so onwards until the moment when i get to be inscribed into the big book and a humble apology to all those who have crossed my path on a vengeful day...