i started out the road of academia wondering what the hell i was thinking? through the first year my confidence grew, which was natural as i received at least 6 first class passes that year. i thought a better move would be to another university and although i spent most of my time there cursing myself it was the right move...
by the end of the second year i was in tears wanting to drop out. the finish line nowhere in sight, i had taken way more subjects than i knew what to do with against the senates better judgment but had miraculously passed everything.
half way through the third year a certain someone had to beat me with a stick saying 'it is only 1 and a half years to go, hang on, don't throw in the towel, get a fucking grip!' this saw me sail on into the final year.
this year came with its own set of challenges, almost losing my dignity in front of a lecturer as i almost bursting into tears when given my exam timetable, running a remarkable social development project (if i don't say so myself), seeing most of the credit going to someone else, and again did i mention the insane final year timetable?
on the 13th december our class of 2006 met at our faculty for tea, mingling with those who had helped get us through their exams and to congratulate those who were top in certain subjects, all before ascending onto the ceremony to be capped. a wonderful advocate gave a very warm speech of the four capacities in which he has appeared before our courts: as accused, as advocate, as appellant and as an acting judge. this place really has come along way and it gave us inspiration for our futures as members of a profession that holds such esteemed members.
the ceremony was breathtaking. aside from the fact that the seating was sardine-like and in black robes, sandwiched between your peers a tad hot, it was incredible. our university conferred 4 honorary degrees onto 4 amazing men, all of whom had actively participated in the struggle towards democracy in one way or another and who continue to uphold and challenge the principles which govern our everyday lives. it was particularly meaningful for me to eventually meet one of my heroes, a man who i have admired for as long as i have been made to read constitutional court judgments and honestly the only author that i am happy to read a judgment by. he has a knack for incorporating beautiful prose into his interpretation of law. ok enough he is old enough to be my grandad and has just helped in popping out a baby (round of applause to justice sachs on this achievement).
the choir of the school which i have helped tutor helped to sing in the precession of academics with the timeless and fitting gardiamus and helped out all of those who couldn't remember all the words to our national anthem.
finally it was time to walk up and get capped. the dean gave a little smile as he read my name which brought a tear, then i walked up to give my hood to a man in tudor dress, knelt before the vice chancellor making sure i looked him in the eye so my hair didn't fall in my face for the photographer, got slapped on the head with the cap, up turn around so tudor man can choke me with the hood remembering to look up so photo man can get his shot, turn to the audience and catch a certain someone trying to snap everything, mom almost in tears, dad very proud, other members not looking to board, down the stairs and pick up my degree, results and blue baton, happy department secretaries giving hugs and more snaps....
fantastic! getting up with the class of 2006 to walk out of the hall to applause from those who had helped and made sure we stood before them today was awesome. walking out onto the steps overlooking our city, priceless! this is it, i am officially now a lawyer!
Labels: ceremonies, graduation, law