Saturday, December 23, 2006

how it should be

i have discovered a new, no rather, i have found an old favorite....
no matter where i have been hot chocolate just hasn't added up to a cup that i had at a cafe in a small piazza near to the pantheon in rome. everywhere seems to serve up something which is just not as sweet nor as creamy or as beautiful!
i have been trying out some culinary experiments and discovered the problem...
no where has it been hot chocolate. i have boiled up chocolate with sufficient cream to make it into a silky, liquid consistency and presto - hot chocolate. fill an espresso cup, top with some crushed toasted walnuts maybe a biscoti for fun and i have reinvented the wheel!

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

map wars

it pains me to report that i am going to hang up my neoworx gloves as the problem just is not coming right and no one is coming to the rescue on a galliant piece of white/black text...

i am sure that if i bothered to pay a subscription fee that the service may or may not be better but as thus far it has been a wholly unsuccessful venture, i am retiring.
clustermaps has served me well thus far and maybe one day they will wake up to the fun of constructing a free service that provides you with the actual location of the cities of your visitors or little maps of their locations etc just as neoworx once successfully provided me...

for simple nastalgia one little remains will survive on the right... fairwell little maps!

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Monday, December 18, 2006

ho ho ho

i have avoided it for as long as is humanly possible. ok that is a lie as usually i will be running around like the rest of the headless masses the day before but this year it will be different. i have promised myself every year whilst doing the chicken dance that this will be the last year, i wont subject myself to inefficiency and lack of planning again!
i will get things done earlier this year. i have been chanting this mantra to maintain sanity as the day that i must exchange gifts with everyone draws closer.... so instead of putting it of any longer that i inevitably wind up the day before crying murder to myself i am going to face the masses today and attempt to be the perfect santa and find a gift for everyone in hopefully what is to be a reasonably painless day in the war zones that are our malls this time of year.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

for the love of ?

the skins in the right sidebar r proving personification of hell...

either science or god needs to come up with how to get the animation to work with the changing of frames and cease the result of freeze frames, stop the alternative which is to have plane skins but choosing them in different colours and only one colour being visible on the site not your actual choice or i am losing all faith in either!

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'the god delusion'

this is insane. not in the ludicrous, flipping out, 'cluck cluck gibber gibber your old man is a mushroom' but in the u have and simultaneously don't have a point...

before tackling this thesis into the existence or lack there of, of the deity that many have come to know as god, a certain someone is feeding me argumentative sound bites...

i am thankful for his quick reading pace as this means in a few days he will have completed the task that is dawkin and i will have a go.

i was in the frame of hang on here... what the hell? how can he? well maybe... and then the delusion was clarified.

we have sat for a period deliberating the first argument and out of the abyss that is the net, in sweeps a mail on the reasons why the attendance of worship is the nourishment of the spiritual self akin to the physical nourishment satisfied by food... this from someone who i haven't heard from in ages, out of the blue, no synchronisity wanting to be taken cognisance of between its arrival and our debate...

well i am not convinced that the presence of only texts precludes the possibility of a things existence, much the same as without its physical appearance in space and time precludes its existence. further i am anticipating the 'big bang singularity' to fall on its face with the mere choice to be persuaded by one and not the other as a counter to the others very existence...

fantastic! here comes kant, jurisprudence has served a purpose!

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who's this god?

why is the word god bleaped out of certain shows or by certain stations. i could say mother fucking, bitch, whore, satan, lucipher, devil, imp with no problem but say god and *bleap*...
i think that *bleep* may have created earth. what? who? the missing word please?

what is the actual reason behind this form of censorship. someone said u take gods name in vain if you say it on national tv... what? serious? just speak his name out loud on the tv and smited with a stick is what'll become of you! watch out!

this seems obscure madness to me... hopefully some enlightenment will follow...

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i started out the road of academia wondering what the hell i was thinking? through the first year my confidence grew, which was natural as i received at least 6 first class passes that year. i thought a better move would be to another university and although i spent most of my time there cursing myself it was the right move...
by the end of the second year i was in tears wanting to drop out. the finish line nowhere in sight, i had taken way more subjects than i knew what to do with against the senates better judgment but had miraculously passed everything.
half way through the third year a certain someone had to beat me with a stick saying 'it is only 1 and a half years to go, hang on, don't throw in the towel, get a fucking grip!' this saw me sail on into the final year.
this year came with its own set of challenges, almost losing my dignity in front of a lecturer as i almost bursting into tears when given my exam timetable, running a remarkable social development project (if i don't say so myself), seeing most of the credit going to someone else, and again did i mention the insane final year timetable?

on the 13th december our class of 2006 met at our faculty for tea, mingling with those who had helped get us through their exams and to congratulate those who were top in certain subjects, all before ascending onto the ceremony to be capped. a wonderful advocate gave a very warm speech of the four capacities in which he has appeared before our courts: as accused, as advocate, as appellant and as an acting judge. this place really has come along way and it gave us inspiration for our futures as members of a profession that holds such esteemed members.

the ceremony was breathtaking. aside from the fact that the seating was sardine-like and in black robes, sandwiched between your peers a tad hot, it was incredible. our university conferred 4 honorary degrees onto 4 amazing men, all of whom had actively participated in the struggle towards democracy in one way or another and who continue to uphold and challenge the principles which govern our everyday lives. it was particularly meaningful for me to eventually meet one of my heroes, a man who i have admired for as long as i have been made to read constitutional court judgments and honestly the only author that i am happy to read a judgment by. he has a knack for incorporating beautiful prose into his interpretation of law. ok enough he is old enough to be my grandad and has just helped in popping out a baby (round of applause to justice sachs on this achievement).

the choir of the school which i have helped tutor helped to sing in the precession of academics with the timeless and fitting gardiamus and helped out all of those who couldn't remember all the words to our national anthem.

finally it was time to walk up and get capped. the dean gave a little smile as he read my name which brought a tear, then i walked up to give my hood to a man in tudor dress, knelt before the vice chancellor making sure i looked him in the eye so my hair didn't fall in my face for the photographer, got slapped on the head with the cap, up turn around so tudor man can choke me with the hood remembering to look up so photo man can get his shot, turn to the audience and catch a certain someone trying to snap everything, mom almost in tears, dad very proud, other members not looking to board, down the stairs and pick up my degree, results and blue baton, happy department secretaries giving hugs and more snaps....

fantastic! getting up with the class of 2006 to walk out of the hall to applause from those who had helped and made sure we stood before them today was awesome. walking out onto the steps overlooking our city, priceless! this is it, i am officially now a lawyer!

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Thursday, December 14, 2006


i don't, but the truth is in the right sidebar. the flutterby is working with text. this does mean that the open tabs wont work... for what ever reason, with this new high tech gismo crap the screen loses the ability to move out from one page to another if the blog with its new html is loaded...
i am too happy with myself and others to bore myself with the why's but later i will debate the meaning of 'to blog without either map tool'... much later!

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ass about face

i am too excited to go chronologically or in any other order so i will start with the first thing that comes to mind and work off from there...
today i graduated, though as i write this i did so yesterday. i have just come from the most amazing dinner with good friends, a certain someone and some unexpected others. we went to a beautiful restaurant to celebrate the end of an era of student life and celebrate the beginnings of new things to come. in honor of this momentous occasion we went to a superb place with a 1930's feel. big booths, live jazz, excellent opulent delicacies and fantastic service. i had dinner with friends from uni, a friend who has recently returned home and some who i was at school with. weirdly we were seated next to a few who we never knew would be there to begin with...
we danced to frank senatra et al and the jitterbugs that existed earlier when shaking the chancellors hand seemed but a distant memory, and the topic of a later blog.
we have all made promises to stay in touch and i hope we do.
i feel this is different to school in that i don't think i will need constant contact to remain friends with these people. we have climbed the everest of academia together which will bind us no matter how long until we meet again...

congrats to all of class of 2006

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

html virgin

if you scroll down to the middle of this blog and take a look at the left sidebar you will see evidence of a html virgin as well as a neurotic...
not only will i not loose faith that my flutterby will return in a few days with news of visitors rather than obscure rays of light but i have not deleted the last neo-counter and have installed the back-up counter...
its a lost cause really but i am going to keep up the fight!

could it get better?

nothing can be simple just the same as nothing comes for free...
well hang on to that mantra because i clicked on to my little blog and neo-flag-genius had a little 'hello there' message inviting me to partake in yet another of their map-fabulous ideas. could i resist? no!
so onward towards getting myself some prairie skins, a happy lady flutterby to flitter through and around your countries flag and happiness will be mine.
of course this is if everything works as in the tester it does not but i will not be dismayed, i will download the html, i will have lady flutterby's! if all else fails there is a backup winter wonderland which seems more than appropriate during the holiday season. yeah i luv win win's!!

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

blow jobs, click here

i thought a brilliant idea for an organisation that i used to be a part of to gain web presence on campus would be for us to construct our own blog rather than a web page. it was easier to manage because none of us had or were majoring in anything to do with computers, the web or design and so a blog would be manageable...

we went with wordpress because they provided what was needed: multiple pages, tags, ease of use, but mostly because each portfolio could have its own page on the blog...
some may say this was out initial mistake, the choice of wordpress as opposed to whichever blogging engine you support... hell we were ignorant students, whatever.

the problem now is that as administrator of this site the moderation of comments has become necessary as we are continuously hit by wankers who think that they can use us to advertise their gear, toys, creams, fetishes and other fantasies by hitching rides through our web presence... we were holey opposed to moderation but our users have now been led down the grey path to believe we sensor and no longer promote freedom of speech. meanwhile we are deleting the ton of crap that gets delivered to our cyber door daily.

why, why the hell do these yobo's waste my time in admin of something that is totally unnecessary? i am not changing my mind any time soon, not taking off the moderation and not publishing any of their useless info!

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

the other side

for those who struggle to see the other side of an argument, who maintain their views are moral and right or that the liberals are whack in their pursuit of tyranny and evil.... i stumbled on to a little gem that i thought would amuse all ends of the debate...
why gay marriages should not be legal... whilst this title may offend or even confuse readers of this blog who are thinking 'what kind of crack is this idiot on?' i suggest that you most of all click and take a look... it aint how it seems...

lets be frank

how many people recycle? do you recycle? would you recycle if given the opportunity? is recycling to much of a long term project for you to feel that it has any effect or possible effect on the outcome of future generations?

i need to confirm the source by apparently the wealthiest woman in the world is into recycling, so there is cash in it for the capitalist hippie. maybe it could even become hip to go green? seeing current trends with the hybrid car it could even be a trend that catches on to more than just the super fashionable.

if someone knocked on your door and offered to collect your garbage provided you took the responsibility of separating it prior to collection would you separate paper from plastic?

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Friday, December 01, 2006

happy world aids day

so the title aint that apt but nonetheless i have decided to use this blog to promote all those that are immediately in need of attention...
see red today the 1 december in order to commemorate and step up to do something about the zillions of people battling and still contracting this disease... this is the celebrity taking it seriously appeal ...
help data who are letting you in on the 411 of all the statistics out there pertaining to the aids epidemic and are people out there on the ground trying to sort it out and make people aware in the attempt to rid africa of the stigma of the epidemic...
if you need treatment information, have just found out that you are infected, want to donate etc...
obviously the big guns that got this day started should be mentioned, so big up to the world heath organisation...
Kofi Anan has an opinion on what the world needs to get done and is exercising his freedom of speech through the united nations...
the world aids campaign is trying to make everyone aware, keep people informed, and work towards a solution...

these are the tip of the iceberg of organisations that are trying to get everyone onto the same plane, get the world active and hopefully devise a solution for what we hope will become a manageable or even curable disease.
the problem in africa, where i think the epidemic is racing along at the quickest pace is, people are ill informed, there is a lack of education, the stigma of testing or having the disease persists, governments are either silent or lacking in effective opinions and these are merely the immediate problems that can be thought of.
without the continent knowing the facts, people who educate others, the arrests of those who peddle snake drugs as cures and for those in the position to voice an active opinion on the topic rather that ignoring the problem, lacking an opinion, thinking showers may help and then actually letting the masses know your thoughts, others who think potatoes are ok and presidents not talking... all these wonderful agencies that are trying to help are going to continue to exercise their strengths in vane...
today needs to be about ensuring an educated dialog!

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to burqa or not to burqa

an interesting debate is blossoming in the tulip capital of the world...
yes, the liberal thinking netherlands is contemplating banning the wearing of the burqa in public.
some may think 'damn straight we ned to see who everyone is in the world in order to pursue and give effect to the big brother' other may pine 'i am free to practice whichever religion i feel necessary and obey their teaching religiously!'. with these diametrically opposed views one has to wonder is the netherlands in safe territory or are they opening themselves up to fundamentalist attack?
the netherlands has long been a society established upon compromise and consensus, they are basically a completely secular state and religion generally has been espoused from politics in favour of their liberal democracy. it then seems obvious that they should not want those with extreme religious beliefs to dictate to them how and where woman shall wear what they want but rather continues to favour their adoption of an inclusive approach to their society.
on the other hand though a country which has always been a safe haven for liberal ideas not tolerating another's religious beliefs does seem to be a step towards a less tolerable society...

so what is the netherlands to do... succumb to the dictates of religion or continue along blissfully in their liberal utopia?

to read more....

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